সোমবার, ৩১ অক্টোবর, ২০১১

Earn money form social market place

Hello, at first take my salam. I am very sorry for writing English.
Today I am going to introduce you with a social marketplace based web site. I have worked that web site from 2010. I think that it is very much easy for new freelancer. It has some speial feature for selling twitter follower, Facebook friends, Facebook fan pages, also different types of social site account. So it might be easy one for new freelancer , because you will not face any bid system of complex system , when you would like to sell of buy .

It has another option for selling freelanceing service with out bid,

Now , I am going to explain it’s payment option. It is much more important to us for getting payment .
There are several option for payment
Like as paypal, moneybookers, mastercard and also visa card. So you should not worried regarding payment.

So, keep on touch, it might be important social market place for Bangladeshi freelancers.

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