The execution of eight Bangladeshis in Saudi Arabia was not illogical because the punishment was awarded through legal and judicial process, said Foreign Secretary Mijarul Quayes on Saturday.
He said the eight were executed because they committed such a crime which deserves death sentence. "They killed a citizen of another country and thus they were executed upon completion of a judicial process."
The eight Bangladeshis were not killed in Saudi Arabia, Quayes told a regular press briefing at the foreign ministry.
"If we believe in the rule of law, we then must accept the trial of Saudi Arabia. We may have difference in opinion about the process of death penalty, but there is no way to disagree with the trial," the foreign secretary said.
He further said the execution of death sentence is also legal in Bangladesh. "The process of execution differs from country to country. In Bangladesh, death sentence is executed by hanging, in some country through electric shock or electro fire. And there are also countries where death sentence has been abolished," he said.
The Saudi authorities beheaded the eight Bangladeshis on October 7 for killing an Egyptian citizen in Riyadh in April, 2007.
The foreign secretary said the government in Dhaka had made all-out efforts to save the Bangladeshis. The then president Prof Iajuddin Ahmed even wrote to the Saudi King for clemency and negotiations were done through Egyptian ambassador in Riyadh to get pardon from the victim's family members.
In the kingdom, the king does not have the authority to pardon a murder convict but the victim’s family can forgive in exchange for blood money.
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