সৌদি আরবে মেয়েকে ধর্ষণের দায়ে এক পাষাণ্ড পিতাকে ১৩ বছরের জেল ও ২০৮০
ঘা বেত মারার রায় দিয়েছে এক আদালত। সৌদি আরবের মক্কা নগরীর এক আদালত ওই
সোদি নাগরিকের বিরুদ্ধে তার কিশোরী মেয়েকে নেশাগ্রস্ত করে গত ৭ বছর ধরে
ধর্ষণ করার অভিযোগ প্রমাণিত হওয়ায় এই রায় প্রদান করে। স্থানীয়
প্রভাবশালী ওকাজ পত্রিকা গত শনিবার এই প্রতিবেদনটি প্রকাশ করে। তবে ওই
ব্যক্তির নাম প্রকাশ করেনি। সৌদি ধর্মীয় পুলিশ জানায়, মেয়ের চাচার
দেয়া তথ্যের ভিত্তিতে তারা এই অপরাধ উদঘাটন করেন। সূত্র মানবজমিন
Saudi man who raped daughter sentenced to 2,080 lashes
RIYADH, SAUDI ARABIA (BNO NEWS) -- A Saudi man who repeatedly raped his daughter over a seven year period has been sentenced to 13 years in prison and more than 2,000 lashes, a local newspaper reported on Saturday.
The General Court in Mecca, the capital of Makkah province in the country's west, found the defendant whose name has not been released guilty of repeatedly raping his teenage daughter over a seven year period while under the influence of drugs, the Okaz newspaper reported.
The authorities became first aware of the case when a relative of the victim's mother told police that the girl was being sexually assaulted by her father. Investigators, which included officers from the religious police, later arrived at the man's house while he was abusing his daughter.
The judge of the court sentenced the father to 13 years imprisonment and 2,080 lashes which he will receive over the course of his prison term. Rape, pedophilia and other forms of sexual misconduct can be punished in Saudi Arabia by lashes, imprisonment and in some cases the death penalty.
Saudi man who raped daughter sentenced to 2,080 lashes
RIYADH, SAUDI ARABIA (BNO NEWS) -- A Saudi man who repeatedly raped his daughter over a seven year period has been sentenced to 13 years in prison and more than 2,000 lashes, a local newspaper reported on Saturday.
The General Court in Mecca, the capital of Makkah province in the country's west, found the defendant whose name has not been released guilty of repeatedly raping his teenage daughter over a seven year period while under the influence of drugs, the Okaz newspaper reported.
The authorities became first aware of the case when a relative of the victim's mother told police that the girl was being sexually assaulted by her father. Investigators, which included officers from the religious police, later arrived at the man's house while he was abusing his daughter.
The judge of the court sentenced the father to 13 years imprisonment and 2,080 lashes which he will receive over the course of his prison term. Rape, pedophilia and other forms of sexual misconduct can be punished in Saudi Arabia by lashes, imprisonment and in some cases the death penalty.
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